Once upon a time warp...
...There was a star system called the Donut Galaxy, with a black donut hole at its center. Near the rim of the black hole was a big, brilliant star named BOXX (sometimes referred to as Boxx of Donuts). Only one planet orbiting Boxx was inhabited—the planet KAFF.
Kaff is where our story begins, for on Kaff is the galactic headquarters of COSMONOPOLY CORP.—the largest interstellar conglomerate in the universe! And it’s owned outright by one man, MALIGNUS MAXIMUS, its CEO (Chief Evil Officer) who, through the tentacles of his everexpanding businesses, owns half the galaxy—and intends to own the rest!
As the capital of the Donut Galaxy’s galactic federation of planets, Kaff is the seat of the Grand Council, presided over by the most high ULDRIC SNOOZ UM LOOZ (aka U. Snooz U. Looz).
Snooz is not just the head of the Grand Council, but also the spiritual leader of the Donut Galaxy. He gained this title because he possesses the only certified copy of the VERITAS, an ancient book which contains the supreme truths of the universe, including knowledge of the COSMIC BREATH which (like the “Force” only far more powerful and difficult to control) supports the very fabric of the universe and governs all that’s within.
Malignus Maximus has bought and paid for half of the Senators in the Grand Council, and soon expects to own them all. Fortunately for the remaining free planets in the Donut system, one powerful Senator has refused to be bought off. He is JEL-LEE DONUT, whose distant spacepilgrim ancestors came to the galaxy eons ago, colonized the planets, and thus gave the galaxy its name. So it is both with the passion of family heritage and a deep concern for his fellow Donuttians, that Jel-Lee intends to stop Malignus from gaining control of more planets, and free those that he already controls. But Malignus was getting more powerful every day, using his unfathomable wealth to create incredible monster machines to take over unsuspecting planets, forcing their people to purchase goods and services from his soulless company, thus further increasing his power. Jel-Lee had to find a way to stop Malignus’ sinister expansion before it was too late. So he created a secret order, hidden in a secret base on one of planet Kaff’s moons. Planet Kaff has four moons, A-Kaff, B-Kaff, C-Kaff and D-Kaff. It was on D-Kaff that Jel-Lee established the secret headquarters of the GALACTIK AGENTS.
With his limited knowledge of the Cosmic Breath, Jel-Lee trained a team of fighters to thwart Malignus’ expansion. It was a difficult job, and they managed to maintain the status quo—for awhile. But Malignus’ bribes were too tempting. Over time, he bought off the Galactik Agents in exchange for property and power, until there wasn’t one eligible, ethical agent left in the entire galaxy.
And so, Jel-Lee was forced to look elsewhere. He scoured the known universe and was about to give up hope when he came across a small sun whose third planet was populated by a primitive
life form known as...humans! It was on Earth that Jel-Lee found the one human being possessing the qualities of a potential Galactik Agent: honesty, intelligence and absolutely no idea of how much danger he would be getting into. This human was a young man by the name of BERNARDO TORRE. But it would take time to train up a new Galactic Agent, so Jel-Lee gave Bernardo a digital video chip containing the complete Galactik Agent training manuals and told him to study hard, for he would return in a year’s time to fetch Bernardo so that he become the last Galactik Man and save the Donut Galaxy.
There was just one problem. Due to Einstein's theory of relativity, the light-speed time travel going back and forth from the Donut Galaxy to the Milky Way, caused Jel-Lee's time stream to progress at a slower rate than Bernardo's. So one year later, when Jel-Lee sent a ship to fetch his new Galactik Agent, the strapping young Bernardo was a staggering 80 years old!
There was no one else. And no more time. Without someone powerful to stop him, Malignus Maximus would surely gain total control. The Donut Galaxy was doomed!
Or was it? It was only by accident that Jel-Lee discovered Bernardo had a grandson, NAPOLEON. A grandson who knew everything there was to know about the Galactik Agents. How? Because he had found his grandfather’s exciting 3D CGI training manuals years before. Thinking they were cool sci-fi video games, he played them every day for years on end. Now he knew every fact, every face, and every facet of the Galactik Agents. There was just one problem—Napoleon was only 13.
Then the “finger” of fate touched Napoleon’s life, for Jel-Lee had come to Earth on the very day that the Torre family had taken Grandpa Bernardo to the retirement home to stay for a short while (i.e. the rest of his life). Jel-Lee watched as Napoleon grabbed his Grandpa and cried. He refused to let his poor old Grandpa stay at the lonely retirement home, and angrily protested to his parents and the nurses. Though Napoleon’s parents and the nurses saw only an emotional boy jabbing his “finger” at them. But Jel-Lee saw what was in Napoleon's imagination: a big, nasty photon-cannon blasting huge holes in the ceiling! That's when Jel-Lee knew he had found
the next Galactik Man. But when Jel-Lee asked Napoleon to come to the Donut Galaxy, the boy refused to leave his Grandpa alone in the retirement home. If he was to become Galactik Man, Grandpa Bernardo must come along as his sidekick. “Deal or no deal?”
But beggars can't be choosers, especially when they’re begging for their galaxy to be saved from total domination. “Deal!” he replied. So a reluctant young Napoleon rose to the occasion. Along with his grandpa, Bernardo (not to mention his sister, STELLA, and his dog, SCRUFFY), Napoleon would cross space and time. He would don the super suit. He would master the Cosmic Breath. And he would become GALACTIK MAN! Or, to be more precise...
GalactiK KiD!